Sailing Hiatus :(

We’re on a forced hiatus from sailing here at the Little Cunning Plan household. Our son, Andrew (age 20), had his tonsils removed, along with a couple of other minor surgical procedures, and we’re in hospital mode around here. Since there’s that nasty risk of post-operative bleeding, as well as the use of narcotics to control pain, we’re tied to the house for awhile until he is healed. That means no one gets to go down to either Moonrise or Danger Kitten. They sit at the marina, waiting for attention and probably feeling unloved. We could not plan our yearly sailing trip until this surgery was over so now we can tentatively plan to leave on August 24. Moonrise is still for sale, so who knows? Maybe we’ll take her off the market for a couple of weeks just so we can be sure to have a vacation.

So I don’t completely neglect this blog while Andrew is recovering, here are some photos from the garden this year. This is the year I have discovered that the gardens do, indeed, grow lustily without much help from me. The hydrangeas and lilies are in lovely form this year.

Intoxicating lilies. Their fragrance is positively thick in the evening.

The Hot Bed.

Little native ground orchid that volunteers in a few places. It's very subtle and my camera certainly doesn't do it justice.

Hydrangeas in full bloom.

Love this combination! Japanese Forest Grass: one of the best plants ever.

Japanese anemones. Exuberant but lovely.


11 thoughts on “Sailing Hiatus :(

    • He did really well. We’re on day two after the surgery, so this is the worst day. He’s going to be really, really bored before this is over. He cannot go sailing or exert himself until after 10 days due to risk of bleeding. Thanks for thinking of him!

  1. WOW, your garden is GORGEOUS – especially love the hot bed. As a big fan of hydrangea, I especially love the blue and white variety – I haven’t seen those before.

    And best wishes to Andrew for a speedy recovery.

    • Glad you liked the photos, Sandra! I will miss my garden, but I admit to being less and less inclined to work in it. That blue and white variety is called “Harlequin”. It’s one of my favorites!
      Thanks for your good wishes for Andrew.

    • I can’t wait to HAVE some adventure sailing this summer! Summer just got here and it’s almost over. Humph. Gardens are a bit like boats. There is always something to do in them! The Pacific Northwest is garden heaven. Thanks to your photos of Sid Vicious, Andrew is thinking of getting a hedgehog.

    • Thanks, Cidnie! Looks like you have a new post. I’m off to read that now. The title makes me very curious!

  2. I hope Andrew Heals just fine! I am also very much looking forward to your summer adventure! And yes, your plants are AWESOME!! We just don’t have anything quite like that down here.

    • With your kind of heat, it would probably be jungle plants that grow best down there. And Spanish Moss. We don’t have that here, either. Gardens are so ephemeral. By posting garden photos here, I’m ensuring my garden will live forever, at least in a digital format.

  3. Your garden looks lovely. I can smell the lillies from here. Hope Andrew heals up nicely and you have a wonderful vacation. I just got done hosing down the Alpacas…boy do they love that. In this heat they look forward to it.

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