Close on the heels of our passionate dumpster-heaving, life-raft-engorging Valentine’s Day, Melissa and I spent Sunday showing our little Galapagos some love.
V is for Valentines and Victron BMV 702
First on my project list was to install a battery monitor. Galpagos has about 440 amp hours of AGM battery capacity but those batteries are really old. There was a current meter and shunt on the boat but with all of the other electrical projects I had disconnected those systems knowing that I would be upgrading soon. With Melissa’s insatiable lust for power, I need a system that can monitor the current draw from the soon to be installed refrigeration system, karaoke machine, disco ball and Lord knows what else.
I chose the Victron BMV 702 because of the glowing reviews in various cruising blogs. Chief among its advantages is a very simple plug and play connector between the meter and the shunt. The 500 amp shunt also has an extra tap to allow you to measure either a second battery voltage (your start battery, for example) or measure the temperature of your battery. If you don’t care about measuring a second battery, you can save yourself forty dollars and buy the BMV 700.
Since Galapagos had an existing shunt with two analog meters, I chose to use the existing holes. As luck would have it the the Victron has a square face plate which did a pretty good job of hiding old scars.
Wiring in the new shunt was straight forward and allowed me to remove the old shunt and do a bit of cable cleanup. It appeared to me that the old shunt was set up to measure all battery current, including the start battery. The shunt itself looked like it had seen some high temperatures. Take a look
The old shunt, top. Looks kind of fried to me.
After hooking the negative battery cables to the new shunt I simply connected the meter to the shunt using the provided cable with RJ11 connectors (Phone Jacks). The kit comes with about thirty feet of cable so you have some flexibility in where you place your meter.
Once there is power to the unit, setup can be as simple or as complex as you wish. In its simplest form, you can set the battery capacity and the unit will assume that the battery is fully charged. At that point, a running total is maintained of how many amp hours are available with loads subtracting from the total and charging current adding to it. There are a number of tweaks that are available to allow you to trim the unit to fit your specific needs. Right now, I am ecstatic just to know that I can monitor my batteries without having to pull my meter out and dig around in the battery box to measure the voltage as a rough guide to capacity.
Power to the people!
While I was rerouting the cables I noticed the lug for the start battery positive terminal seemed a little loose. One of the things I love about Galapagos is that she has a really comfortable engine room. A fellow can sit in there and ponder life’s imponderables, far from the madding crowd, giving himself the time and space to consider things like those loose terminal lugs. Maybe even have a short nap on the subject. I made a note to go back and tighten them but that would not be necessary. The stud bolt had separated from the lead clamp and just came away in my hand.
See where stud bolt was seated on left side.
I could have looked at this clamp all day when the stud was sitting in the hole and never noticed that there was minimal contact between the battery and the cable. A bouncy sea would have been all it took to create another trip to the engine room to start trouble shooting a mysterious, and probably intermittent engine problem. I love my engine room but all things in moderation.
So, with just one trip to the store for a new terminal lug, The Victron Battery Monitor is in. I am looking forward to some quality on the hook time so that we can see how well our batteries are holding up. I will save for another post my other electrical projects, but suffice to say, LED lghting and solar panels are involved. More juicy tidbits to come.
you had me at karaoke and disco ball.
All of the above: voltmeter, amps charging, fuse bridge, battery connectors! Great, no even better really great. You won’t regret a dime or an hours of this upgrade.
Does that mean I get to keep the disco ball??? Oh Joy! Rapture!
Nothing says “Par Tay!” like a disco ball, though we would have to remove the ceiling fans to install one.
Nice valentines gift. You guys are cruisers for sure.
Well the big battery hog will be coming in the form of refrigeration. My next big project will be to re-insulate the rather large ice box and install a cold plate system. I am pretty sure we will go with the Cool Blue system. An exciting and important project. Not as important as disco balls, but still.
Did you say Karaoke? I’m In! I am eyeing that meter…. The one I have is pretty old, but it isn’t analog… I am about halfway through my electrical system refit. Maybe you can mount the old analog meter on your workbench, and use it to test regular batteries or something! lol….
You’re on, John!
Good idea on the old meter. I have two if you need one. Maybe we’ll see you on the docks this weekend.
Going sailing on Sunday?? We will keep an eye out for you!
I think we shall. The boat is a bit torn up but not so bad that we couldn’t go for a sail.
Keep your VHF on and we’ll do likewise. I really want to see your boat.
There are several projects on the Interwebs that use an Arduino as a front end to an analog meter like yours to measure things like Internet bandwidth (Mbps). So… What WOULD you like to display? Total run time of a pump? Bilge level? temp of the fridge? Anything that the Arduino can make sense of, then output a signal compatible with the meter.
Thank you for the advice on using the Arduino. I have a Raspberry Pi with an A to D converter that I have been meaning to play with and this could be a great little project. In particular, monitoring the fridge and freezer temps would be quite useful. Being able to send a text or email if values fall below a certain threshold could be done as well.
Too many projects, too little time.
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