The gods of the weekend started off by breaking our garbage disposal before they sent the deluge. At least they were quiet about it. There was no fanfare; no crashing or screeching noise. It was a ‘no drama’ moment, the kind where you flip the switch and receive only a low hum in return. Fine. Okay. We’ll just add that to the list of things to be accomplished this weekend. We are currently busting our butts getting our house ready to photograph so it can go on the military rental websites by the end of November. A garbage disposal is the least of our concerns and hey, maybe we Mike won’t need to replace it for another 15 years.
We spent last night buying some bedroom furniture at Ikea, since we’re renting our house furnished and we were short one bed frame. After a satisfying evening putting the bed together it was time to turn in early because today was a big day and we needed rest. Was today some sort of celebration? Well, perhaps if you have time to actually have fun, today would have been Halloween. Our idea of celebrating Halloween, however, took the form of dressing up as truck drivers and renting a big red dump truck named Bocephus. (I’m not making this up. That truck is named after Hank Williams, Jr.)
I’m not even going to tell you the name of the outfit where we rented this alleged truck. Let’s just say that this truck had seen a lot of better days. At this point, it was probably held together with safety pins. Apparently you get what you pay for when it comes to dump truck renting because we chose this particular place due not only to its proximity to the huge piles of gravel and mulch we needed, but also for its price. We got the truck for an entire day for less than what the ‘other guys’ charged for 4 hours. Dump trucks are not cheap. Well, actually this truck was cheap, but still cost plenty if you get my drift. Still, the engine kind of ran if you kept your foot on the gas, and it looked like the brakes worked. What’s the worst that can happen? So what if the sides bulged a little?
The thing is, Mike and I actually enjoy this kind of little adventure because it takes us back to our youth when we did things on the cheap as that was the only way we could afford to do things. Sitting up high in Bocephus on that bouncy bench seat, looking down on the traffic surrounding us, we felt both old and young at the same time. We were hoping for country music, but the radio didn’t work. The truck squeaked and rattled down the road, growling and lurching at passersby as the rain pelted a continuous drill on the roof. Music would have been overkill anyhow. Mike went over a speed bump and the glove compartment door fell off. We hooted with laughter and prayed that was the only thing that fell off. I thought about scooting over into the middle of the seat to ride next to Mike, but Skippy beat me to it, adding his wet-dog smell to the general atmosphere. Because it was Halloween, it rained hard and continuously all day long, as is our custom.
Even though we are pretty adventurous souls and you’d think we did this Bocephus truck thing for fun, we actually rented this truck and picked up our own supplies because it saved us money. Unfortunately, all the money we saved doing it ourselves is now going to be spent fixing the front gate because driving a big truck through the gate is not unlike taking a huge, center cockpit full-keeled sailboat into a small marina. You have to watch your rear end carefully or you’ll hit something. So now we have an excellent opportunity to redesign this gate, which we’ve been complaining about for years. See how that works? I mean, it’s as if we are getting a free gate! For the same price as renting a truck for 4 hours at the ‘other guy’s place’, we get a truck for a full day AND a new gate. Are you keeping track of all the projects we’re on top of now? So far, our rental will have a new front gate, a new bed, and a new garbage disposal.
After a full day of back-and-forthing between the house and the supplier, Mike was seriously relieved when the truck made it back to the rental place without falling apart. We figured we’d better stop while we were ahead because one of the gates on the back of the truck looked like it could fall off at any moment and our track record for this weekend had not been that great in the gate breakage department. Plus, after our second load of mulch, the lift on the truck failed and we had to take it back so they could fix it. Then the gravel rake broke in half as soon as I started using it. We believed that one more load could do Bocephus in and we didn’t want that to happen on our watch.
Tonight, Mike has bought a new garbage disposal. It’s name, as indicated on the box, is Badger 5. With a name like that, it should be hell for stout. I am writing this update and considering how many Advil will be necessary for me to get out of the bed in the morning and commence to spreading mulch. I’ve already spent two hours shoveling and raking gravel and there is no end in sight. Therefore: Advil. I forget, when huge piles of gravel and mulch are blocking our driveway, that I am no longer 20 years old.

Tomorrow’s task. There are two other large piles of mulch besides this, and more gravel as well. Thirty yards of mulch. and 15 yards of gravel. We love us some materials here.
Tomorrow will come and go but I really look forward to Monday. It’s the day the tree guys come to reduce windage in the tall firs and take out that Mountain Ash tree that I’ve hated for 15 years. That should be fun. Because on that day, we are paying other people to work while we watch. At the rate we’re going, watching is about all we’ll be able to manage. Onward.
This post was originally titled “Things We Did Today” and has been changed because that’s the name of Tammy Swart’s blog, which you can read here.
When I read this I am thankful. i am 80….ergo too old and “fragile” to be involved in such things….
At least you know you’re too ‘fragile’. I forget. Then I remember. And it’s not pretty.
Oh no, sorry about the gate and the garbage disposal!
Bocephus would make a great boat name and Badger 5 could be the name for its tender. Just a thought – maybe you want to immortalize this day and rename your boat and dinghy?
Well, you know it’s not only boats that create work. Houses are known for things breaking, too. But to be fair, that thing was 14 years old. I think you’re right about the names, though. Except I’m not really a country music fan. Still, I do love badgers. Hmmm.