Fall on the Way

All is quiet on the home front this week. Fall is rolling in and we’ve had rainstorms with thunder and lightning. Weird. We’ve had a lot of that this year. After recovering from an injury to my shoulder, I’m back to re-creating the garden; getting it easier to care for in anticipation of renting out the house in a couple of years. Going through the garden it is striking how many plants I have. Some I cannot even identify anymore, like this little succulent I’ve had in this pot for about 6 years. I noticed a bloom on it for the first time today. It is pollinated by flies, I remember. If I stop trying to remember it will come to me. Some days I’d kill to get my estrogen back.

An unusual flower, to be sure. A Stapelia, perhaps? From South Africa, I’m pretty sure.

Mike and I have been talking about finding another home for my beloved koi. I bought them when they were little babies and now they are all huge and swim to the edge of the pond to be fed when people approach. Alas, a 4000 gallon pond is a liability when renting a house. Plus, no one would really know how to care for this pond since I designed the system and know all of its quirks. Mike has a vision for a pondless stream that would allow our bird friends to continue to enjoy the water without all the care a pond requires. I have a vision for a firepit next to the stream. Things have to be un-created to make room for new creations.

Migrating Cedar Waxwings

This week a flock of hundreds of migrating Cedar Waxwings descended upon our stream to bathe and play in the water. I managed to creep outside with my camera and watch for awhile. Then, in response to some silent signal, they took flight and were gone. I still remember the sound of their wings in the air, the rush of the wind as they flew past and were gone.

This lovely hardy begonia requires no care at all. It will have a place in the newly created garden. It’s in bloom right now.

Lest you think it’s all about gardens and other land based things, boat business is never far below the surface. We have our eyes on another boat and are crossing our fingers and toes that this one turns out better than the last time our hearts were sprung. This time the current owner contacted us directly to tell us about his boat. We were intrigued. We visited, and were more intrigued. So we tread slowly, carefully, and deliberately, even though we still have our Moonrise. If it works out, you’ll be the first to know.

More Boat Stuff

Here are a couple of photos from our recent trip to Friday Harbor. I’m currently working on my review of the Amazon 44 we went to see.

Leaving Seattle behind.

The Victoria Clipper took the route through Deception Pass to the San Juan Islands. Mike and I have never sailed through this way and this gave us a chance to witness the amazing currents without putting our own boat at risk. Unbelievable. And then the fog…

Deception Pass. The cracks of doom. 

Boiling water and fog at 25 knots! What could possibly go wrong?

Another foggy Deception Pass.

Stay tuned.




If You Believe in Fairies….Etc.

With Moonrise still for sale, there’s nothing on the boat so going for a sail is pretty much a pain in the you-know-what right now. We have to drag all our cold weather gear, food, etc, down there if we want to go out.  Between that and the fact that I’ve avoided going down to the boat since early January due to protecting my delicate lungs from the cold air, these last couple of weeks have been focused on the garden, the chickens, and the house in that order. Not much about sailing, alas, but that’s how it is. Interest in Moonrise is picking up as our weather gets better  (I did not say that out loud so any weather Gods need to just move along.) We are still hoping to find a new home for her and spend some months enjoying looking at boats. Or buying one. Who knows? No need to rush these things, apparently. I want to be able to enjoy the looking.

Be sure to enlarge this photo and look at the dog on the right.

Be sure to look at the dog on the right.

So, in terms of fairies, here’s what the garden looks like from a fairy’s point of view. And here’s a photo that might just be of a fairy. Enlarge it and look at the dog on the right. (Photo is completely unaltered, taken by a friend at another gardener’s house a few years ago.)  Don’t know for sure what that thing is but it’s not a dragonfly, and we don’t have any insects that big up here except for dragonflies. (Which is a good thing because I do not like big insects, which gives me pause in terms of cruising some areas.) So you be the judge and if you believe in fairies, clap your hands with delight because all the Hellebores are in bloom. Here’s what my garden fairies see as they wander through their world. Grab a beverage and drink in the beauty that is Helleborus orientalis,, in all its many forms.

So delicate they are almost translucent.

So delicate they are almost translucent.

From my 'black flower' period.

From my ‘black flower’ period.

A wee petticoat, perhaps?

A wee petticoat, perhaps?

These petals would make the finest chemise.

These petals would make the finest chemise.

More black. Always so classic, so basic.

More black. Always so classic, so basic.

A note about the above flower: Most of these hellebores come from Heronswood Garden, and not the one in Pennsylvania. I mean the real one, the original one right here in Washington State. That black hellebore above is one of a kind, part of the genetic stock they used to create new and different varieties. It doesn’t even have a name. Only a number. As a certified (or certifiable, depending on who you ask) plant geek, I will have to find a safe home for this plant if I leave the house behind. I’m sure it won’t be a problem since in Washington state gardening is a contact sport and the place is lousy with knowledgeable plants people.

A study in black(ish) and yellow.

A study in black(ish) and yellow.

And to prove I actually did buy just about anything black:

A little black mondo grass adds just the right texture and color to set off these little tulip leaves.

A little black mondo grass adds just the right texture and color to set off these little tulip leaves.


And a black leaved variety of Sambucus niger, the black elderberry. It has pink flowers. How can you beat that color combination?

And a black leaved variety of Sambucus niger, the black elderberry. It has pink flowers. How can you beat that color combination? Glorious!








Scenes from the Winter Garden

We have had an amazingly neutral winter so far, although I say this knowing full well that we have another 5 or so weeks before that Spring equinox. We could still get slammed.  Parts of the garden are beginning to show a little life, perhaps wondering if we might have an early spring. (We can only hope, since it’s been years since we had one.) If we are lucky, boating season will be upon us soon.

Meanwhile, we continue to nest in our home, watching chickens destroy what is supposed to be a lovely yard, and I begin to realize there is work to be done out there. So here are some photos from the winter garden, taken as I poked around considering the idea of actual physical work.

What could be lovelier than winter blooming Helleborus and our native sword fern?

What could be lovelier than winter blooming Helleborus and our native sword fern?



Cyclamen and snowdrops, ephemeral harbingers of spring.

Winter shrubs.

Winter shrubs.


Euphorbia rigida getting ready to make a nice showing against this silver leaved lavender

Euphorbia rigida getting ready to make a nice showing against this silver leaved lavender.

Next project will be to contain the chickens to the wooded area, which is big enough for them to have plenty of room. At this point, they have the run of the entire yard. That’s not going to work when tender plants begin to emerge. They can keep the Virgin free of weeds.20130212_34Oh, and the physical work? It lost out on that day. Best to have a little nap and read. I pretend to be a lady of leisure.