We don’t generally talk about the costs we incur through travel here on the blog, but boy howdy do I have a surprise for you! Here’s a post with numbers that I didn’t even make up! (Although I did convert them to US dollars for your convenience.) During our trip to Scotland we traveled by land for the most part. This involves renting a car and this post is going to tell you how much that costs and why you need to just suck it up and pay it if you want to see the wild Scotland. Just going to Edinburgh, or any other city? Don’t bother with a car. It will be a nuisance and an inconvenience. Public transport and the ever-popular Uber is the way to go. But if you want to see the country, get a car.

Traveling back roads allowed us to get this tourist shot of the Blackadder River sign. Our blog name references a quote from that fine TV show. Our kids used to know all the lines verbatim. Impressive.
If you are like the majority of U.S. travelers, you’re going to reserve your car in advance on a discount website such as Expedia. Go ahead and do that because, why not? On the website it’s going to tell you that for 21 days of rental, you’re going to pay less than $500 for the car. That will give you good feelings as you read the part about your costs differing when you pick up the car. Don’t worry. They will differ. A lot. And you’ll pay it because you want to see the country you are visiting and this is the best way to do it.
I reserved an automatic, mid sized vehicle on Expedia through Europcar. Fortunately for me, this was not my first car-rental-rodeo in Scotland so I already knew the drill. You reserve the auto of your choice, then you cross your fingers and spit three times while spinning as you wish fervently for an automatic transmission. That’s because you’ll find that even if the website says one is available, which it won’t as a rule, you will know not to count on that. Why do you want an automatic? We’ll get into that later.
When you get to the airport, you will confirm with the nice man behind the counter that you have reserved an automatic, at which point he will frown sadly and tell you that alas, your car is a 6 speed. All the cars are 6 speed in Scotland. Except the automatics, which are few. You will politely point out that this is not what you reserved, reflect on your quickly aging knees, and ask worriedly if there is anything else available at the same cost, since you actually called Europcar’s international number to be sure that you did, in fact, have an automatic on hold. Then he will offer you a Mercedes 22S Estate wagon that was ‘just turned in’. He will give you all the discounts and you will say yes to paying what you think is $19.31/day for the use of that car, smiling broadly.
Once you have your car, you will be presented with all the insurance choices. This is where the rubber meets that old proverbial road you’ll be driving on, the one with only one lane and ancient rock walls on each side where the posted speed limit is 60 mph. (Yes, they use MPH in Scotland. But they sell their fuel in liters to confuse us and obfuscate the fact that you’ll pay about $6/gallon for diesel fuel.)
Your insurance choices will be grim. A cool extra $32.18/day (!!) will allow you to walk away from the vehicle Scot free, as it were, should any little thing happen. Hmmm. I’ve driven extensively in Scotland. So far, in spite of other North American drivers on the road, I’ve turned all the cars in unscathed. I think I’m a good risk. That highest covered amount also comes with roadside assistance should we get a flat tire or whatever. It was tempting but our wallet protested and we know how to change a tire.
Due to our basic faith in our own abilities to handle situations and to drive carefully, we chose the lowest insurance option of $21.45/day. This got us a $1673.49 deductible. Gone are the days when we would just fork over the extra $225 for the best and easiest insurance and be done with it. Le sigh.
If you’ve kept up with the math here, so far we are paying $405 and change for the vehicle, and adding on $450 ish for the insurance. Our bill should be $860, right? HAHAHAHAHA! In your dreams, sweetie.
Now you must add in $346 for the basic rental fee. I think this must cover just your basic 6 speed tiny car. It’s also a little annoying because, as referenced above, I understood that we were paying $19.31/day for the vehicle. In fact, that was what we were paying for the upgrade, which I had already reserved and thought I had the cost nailed down. I chalk this failure to understand up to our being exhausted after about 24 hours of travel, and the sales person’s strong Glaswegian accent, of which I could understand about 1/3. Oh well. We would have had to pay it anyhow. Now our bill is up to about $1206.00. But wait! There’s more!
You’ll pay 20% VAT on that ‘purchase’ as well. Plus a license and fees charge, plus a ‘premium station surcharge’ that tacked on an additional $112. That must be for the convenience of picking up the car at the airport. All in with all the taxes, fees, etc, the bill came to $1630.00.
We put about 1400 miles on the car, so that’s a little more than 1$/mile we paid just for the privilege of driving, not including fuel. It’s a steep cost, I’ll tell you, especially when there are no more fat paychecks coming in and you have a date with a guy in a boatyard coming up. But we wouldn’t do it any other way in Scotland. There are just too many narrow roads to go down where taking public transport will hold you back. This is the price of freedom, of spontaneity. It ain’t free, you know.
And just a word about that VAT. It’s easy to get your United States knickers in a twist about a tax that high. But look at it this way: if you travel in Scotland you will never lack for a place to use the potty. These people are great with their clean, well appointed public rest rooms at the center of every town, no matter how small. Also their roads are in pretty good shape considering. Even the small roads are easy on the car, with very few exceptions. They also have excellent signage, even on the tiny roads. I’m not actually going to complain about that tax. Roads and bathrooms cost money.
Now that you have the car, you’ll want to understand the road system. There are three common levels of ‘highway’ roads in Scotland: M, A, and B. It’s easy to know that M stands for ‘main and most convenient road’, the M8 for instance. A stands for ‘alternative and possibly more scenic route that reasonable people can take’. We drove on a ton of A roads as they go through all the small towns and the countryside. A nice A road is a pleasant experience.
The ones to be aware of are the B roads. B, as used here, stands for ‘Scares the Bejezus out of you’. These are narrow, one lane roads that are widely used and can have speed limits of up to 60 miles per hour, which some people think is an appropriate speed at which to approach a blind curve with rock walls on either side. These roads are fraught with blind curves, blind summits, and Scots who have been driving them for hundreds of years. It’s in their blood to drive these roads, but it’s not in yours, or, at least, if it is it’s well watered down. Take extra care and keep the brake pedal handy. These are the roads where you will bless that automatic transmission because it gives you one less thing to think about. Also your knees will not get tired from the constant shifting. I know this because the first trip I had to Scotland, I drove a 6 speed. The fun wears off quickly.
These roads have ‘passing places’ where people pull over to allow others to get by, at least when they are following the rules. You will learn very quickly to look as far ahead on the road as possible on these roads; about 20 feet or less generally. They give your adrenal system a good workout as cars approach from the opposite direction across a narrow bridge, at speed. These are the roads you should keep in mind as you choose your car. The smaller the car the more pleasant that B road driving experience is going to be. But I never saw a really small car that was an automatic. You’ll have to choose your poison.
The final consideration will be the roundabouts. They are extensive. They can be huge, with many lanes, encompassing large territory and multiple exits. They are, simply put, heart stopping. On the other hand, they are generally clearly marked. Even on the actual road, in each lane there will be signage indicating which exit that lane is for. They do the best they can. The rest is up to you. Stay in your lane. Use your signal. Watch out for other drivers from almost literally everywhere else in the world where they drive on the right. If you are so inclined, pray. If not, feel free to curse. And remember, if you miss your exit you can always go around again. The other drivers will hate you, but it can be done.
Renting a car allowed us to see some of the most beautiful countryside in the world at our leisure on our own time schedule. It’s kind of like having a boat. It’s a damned expensive way to travel, but we wouldn’t do it differently.
Oh yeah, we turned that car in unscathed.
And guess what, guys? We left the dock today. See you out there!
We also rented a car in the UK from EuropCar (a Chevy Cruise, which is really too big for the roads…)… picked it up in Bath and turned it in in Edinburgh after about 1000 miles (one fill up with diesel). As you said, the cost is all in the surprising tack-ons. But I don’t think we paid half what you did.
However. The agent in Bath pulled a switch on the paperwork, and the dent in the left front ‘wing’ that I clearly tagged was mysteriously missing from the paperwork in Edinburgh. After a brief discussion, the Edinburgh agent did not charge us… perhaps he had seen this before.
s/v Eolian
OOH, I’ll bet he had seen that before! That kind of thing really burns me. It is also why I am always so relieved when we get the ‘all clear’ from the check in with a rental vehicle. Seriously.
First and foremost, we love the last paragraph of this post: “And guess what, guys? We left the dock today. See you out there!” GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!
About all the fees, we have traveled Europe extensively and have rented cars (including Ireland, England and Scotland). Our USA auto insurance policy covered us on liability and collision as a primary. The VISA card covered us as secondary insurance for the deductibles. We did damage a car once in Paris (our fault) and had no issues with our insurance paying or it. The french rental car company worked directly with our insurance for the damage and repair cost. Yes, they try to scare the hell out of you at the counter and sell you a policy. This is because they make a lot of money on the policies sold. Know your own policy before you go and carry a copy with you.
We hardly ever rent a car at the airport. Too many add on fees. We will take an Uber (or taxi) or bus from the airport to an off site rental agency. Or, we will look for a rental office near where we are staying. Uber is about $20 or less, this usually saves a couple of hundred dollars in airport fees. We often make a reservation via Costco travel and use this as a guide for how much we need to pay. Often we can do better with a couple of quick phone calls and a local company. No penalty if you do not pick up the Costco car. We use it as a fall back if we can’t get a better deal. 50/50 on this.
We no longer have a personal car. So, we no longer have the luxury of a car insurance policy. So, now we use a Costco VISA car from Citi for car rental. The card benefits include for no extra fee collision auto insurance for any rental car charged to the card, world-wide. This covers damage to any rental car up to US$50,000. We have a blanket liability non-owner policy that protects us for up to $300,000. This cost us about $180 per year and covers us world-wide. Most credit cards will offer a secondary insurance policy for car rental (deductibles not covered by the primary agency). However, there are a few good card out there that offer primary coverage. All you need to do is charge the car rental to the card.
As for VAT, are you able to claim that back? It has been a while since we traveled the UK but when there last, a lot of the VAT we paid was refunded: https://www.gov.uk/tax-on-shopping/taxfree-shopping
Hope this helps
Hey it really does! Thanks for all that great info, especially about the Costco card. We’ll look into all this when we have some good internet again. We could have saved some on the insurance through my Chase card, but i think next time we go we will rent a hotel room first thing and save the car rental for after we are rested. We don’t regret a penny spent. But we will surely go back since our daughter has family there now. Thanks much!
I have a scar from a car rental in Italy. Long story…. the driving in Scotland is far more civilized than Italy, I guarantee.
I loved your photos, and stories, I want to go back now.
I would go back in a moment! I love Scotland and am happy our daughter has chosen to make that her second, or third, home.
This may be one of the most delicious and intriguing of your blog posts for me. My little family enjoyed Scotland to the max, and reading your posts about it really adds to my enjoyment immensely. The intricacies and your willingness to risk (within reason) that you take as a family gives me a vicarious thrill! I wish I had gone to Scotland when I was more mobile, but this is second best. Wonderful post!!!
Thank you, Joanne! I’m so glad you are in touch with me through the blog! You would definitely love Scotland.
HiMelissa, I haven’t been in contact with you for awhile. It’s too hard to read Facebook posts, but I can read your blogs easily. Your post about Scotland and the pictures, were both funny and beautiful on that order. I would love to go and experience it personally. We are now living in a 1200 sq ft condo in Fort Myers, after moving from a 4300 sq ft house in Gig Harbor. I have utilized a professional organizer, but still have a lot of “shedding” to do. How did you manage that so quickly? Glad to hear you are back on your boat!
Hi Carole! It’s wonderful to hear you are in Florida now, as you dreamed of, and that you are living more simply in a smaller space. I think you’ll find you enjoy life more when you have less to care for. My secret to downsizing is fairly simple: I have a ton of stuff up in the attic of our house. We did get rid of more stuff than any family would need in three lifetimes. But I’m not going to pretend that downsizing is easy. Take your time, I mean, what’s the hurry? I would love to someday work with a professional organizer, but I’d be too afraid they’d try to tell me what to do. That would’t go well. Stay in touch, friend!