Afternoon Gin (and Tonic)

If I’m going to have posts, plural,  named Afternoon Gin, I suppose I need to write more than one.  Lately I’ve been monitoring my gin intake and have decided that I need to cut back. This is a sentence I never thought I would need to write. But the delicious nature of the gin and tonic as a beverage, and the subtle yet real pain relief I get in my upper back from having one at the end of the day conspire to make me understand, for the first time ever, how a person might become accustomed to a drink every day. Not to worry. I will not be sliding into the unconscious medicinal use of alcohol. I’m just saying that for the first time ever I understand how such a thing might be possible for people.

I’ve been doing a lot of walking lately. We have only one car, and we like it that way. Overall, cars are not only expensive, they’re a pain in the ass. In fact, the car we have is the same old Mazda van we drove down to Mexico a few years ago and left to languish in a field during the hot Mexican summer one year. That may have been an unfortunate choice for the car, which has always felt delicate since then. Lately we have been planning a road trip of some length and the car needs some work, so I have been carless while it is in the shop.

View from a bridge in Olympia. If you drive this bridge, you don’t see the rainbow railroad tracks.

Did you know that the average car payment is now over 700$? I read that on NPR so it must be true. All I can think is, “Oh, hell no.”

Here’s an interesting result of being carless: when I dropped the car off a couple of days ago, I locked the door and handed over the keys to the mechanic, put on my hat and sunglasses, and set off to walk the 3 miles back to the boat, doing errands along the way. I felt positively free. That’s right. In a city of cars, in a culture where one is actually judged by the type of car they drive, I felt free as I walked away from our old Mazda van with the “You are a God Damn Magical Unicorn” sticker on the bumper and the plastic dashboard Jesus in the cabin. It occurred to me to wonder if I would still feel that way if it were over 100 degrees outside. Probably not. Walking three miles in 65 degrees is easy. In the heat, it’s a long way. I may enjoy walking, but I’m not unAmerican about it.

You do see a lot more of city life when you walk places. This is a mixed blessing. I avoid grown looking men on tiny bicycles. Sometimes this means I cross the street more often than is strictly necessary.

Also, there are three excellent bakeries within two miles of Galapagos. Three. One of them French. Two of them are uphill on the way, but downhill as you are eating your fattening (I mean flakey..) pastry.

Enjoying other people’s gardens on a walk.

Then there are people in cars doing questionable things. No, not that kind of questionable thing, although once in California I saw something going on in a car that I absolutely wish I had not seen. I mean, could they not have waited? Was having middle aged people walking close by the car part of their excitement? Was it a shock value thing? Or were they just so narcissistic that they thought people would enjoy watching them exhibit themselves? Maybe they thought we were too old to know what they were doing. We weren’t, more’s the pity. Or maybe they were just so, again, narcissistic that they felt like their exhibitionism was their right.  These were people I did not wish to know. I am glad to have left them in California.

And that makes me think about the time I was in another grocery store parking lot and came upon a man quite thoroughly enjoying himself with his pants down and his car door wide open. I’m pretty sure he was not targeting me with his need to have people witness his pathetic self. But I happened to be there. It’s one of those times I thought, later of course, of all the cutting things I wanted to say to him right in the moment. But the moment passed, fragile with shock, filled with disgust,  and I went away wishing I had passed by 5 minutes later. Or maybe 20 minutes. He seemed to be having trouble.

And they smelled good, too.

No, this was a different kind of questionable thing. I was standing at the crosswalk outside the Thriftway and yacht club down by the water, waiting to cross the street. I noticed the traffic coming out of the parking lot was stopped, even though the light was green. Then I noticed why. The first car in line, a white 4 door Jeep of late-ish vintage, was being driven by a man in his early 40’s or so. He had dark hair, looked like he was well groomed, kind of sporty looking, and had a big golden retriever, or maybe it was a yellow lab. I got confused about the dog because I was distracted by the fact that he was pointing his phone directly at me and taking my photo. WTF, dude? Why are you taking a photo of an older woman in a blue hat and sunglasses,  pulling a little grocery cart packed with the gleanings of her errands, and walking back to her boat? I am not a tourist attraction, mister. It was…unsettling. I mean, why? What’s he going to do with that photo? Do I want to know? And if he makes money off it, should I not be offered my cut? Is he a fricking weirdo? I gestured wildly at him as he put his foot on the pedal and turned left. I hope he saw me. Or maybe I hope he didn’t. I’m not sure, actually. I don’t carry a gun. Maybe I should. No. I definitely should not.

I think it’s important to note that I don’t believe for a moment that any of these experiences were targeted at me personally. I mean, walking through the fields of life, you’re bound to step in a few cow patties along the way. They’re there. You can’t always see them before you step in them. These men in cars? They are just cow pies to me. I rinse off my shoes and carry on. It’s not my job to take care of their karmic debts.

I’m continuing to work on refinishing the teak dodger. Five years from now I’m probably still going to be working on that because I can only do about an hour or so at a time before I start hurting. At this point, all the wood is at an angle, most of it above my shoulders. Part of me wonders if I can just go to sea and let the old paint and varnish  wear off naturally, sanded away by salt and wind. The outside looks good. Just don’t come aboard and we’ll both be happy.

Mike removed the windlass from the aft deck. It’s a great windlass but we have only used it twice and during one of those times we determined that it was too dangerous for us to use it regularly. We were anchored off one of the islands at the mouth of the Sea of Cortez and we engaged in what is commonly known as a ‘shit show’ with that windlass. It was dark. It was windy. It was not pretty or safe. We are having to make a lot of decisions about how this boat is outfitted so we can move forward with phase two of the cunning plan. I am glad we have some experience using the boat the way we, personally, use it. The removal of the windlass is one of those decisions I hope we don’t regret, but if we do, so be it. We have other ways of setting a stern anchor if we absolutely want one, and removing it makes way for a radar pole. You can’t have everything on any boat.

We  found a really nice radar pole set up at Longship Marine, the used marine goods chandlery in Poulsbo, WA. It cost us easily less than a third of a new aluminum pole and it came with a stout davit we can use to lift the outboard. I am thrilled that it’s made of aluminum and doesn’t require polishing.  The davit is another one of those modifications we hope will allow us to sail more gracefully into our older years. See what I did there?

We got out of Poulsbo’s Longship Marine for less than 1000$. For that we got: the aluminum pole/davit system, a set of Magma Rock and Roll stainless steel stabilizers for all those rolly anchorages where other people throw out a stern anchor, a dinghy swim ladder, a personal locator beacon, some mahogany for finishing out the hatch in the galley, a huge EasyStow inflatable fender (10$! I was so excited!), and a hefty stainless receiver piece to sit that aluminum pole into (after we isolate the two metals, or course). We felt positively smug. Then we went for celebratory ice cream.

What a haul! And our Mexico van came through for us again. The pole just barely fit inside.

The removal of the windlass revealed some wet core in that area, probably as a result of the time we were docking this beast down in Astoria and the transmission stuck in reverse, causing us to hit a big steel fishing boat behind us. That was a very bad day. Anyway, Mike cut the fiberglass (it’s really thick, you guys) and scraped out the rotted wood. We’ve had some gentle heat on it since then, drying everything out really well. He’s going to replace the wood with a piece of Divinycell core material and epoxy. They had some Divinycell at the local chandlery, in their new consignment section. I hope that place takes off. It’s easy walking distance to the boat.

Oh, by the way… that bid we got for replacing the whole exhaust pipe? 1700$.  Um. Yet another “Hell No!”  from Team Galapagos. We were supposed to get two bids: one for replacing the flexible coupling and one for an entire new exhaust pipe. We got one bid, for the new pipe, then had to ask for the other bid. 450$ to replace the O’Reilly coupling. We opted to replace the O’Reilly because the pipe was still in good enough condition that we don’t actually need a new one. Seriously, do we look like people who just throw money at a problem? I mean, did he SEE our van? 2002, baby! Even our plastic dashboard Jesus is showing wear.

Scene that cannot be appreciated via automobile.

Lately my Facebook feed has been filled with ads that include recipes for yummy looking mixed drinks. It’s like the algorithm finally, after all these years, got it right.

Michael is cursing from the shower, where he is changing out a faucet. I heard banging before the many very specific words. This doesn’t sound good. I need to run.

I leave you with this dock friend.


S/V Galapagos, standing by. Sort of. I mean, our radio isn’t actually hooked up right now.









Love the One You’re With

Yesterday Michael and I had what I lovingly call a “Mexico Experience”. This is defined as a field trip to some sort of marine related workshop; a trip that doesn’t go as planned, requiring us to pivot to a different timeline where things work out better than expected. Yesterday was Michael’s birthday and he gave himself the gift of a day off from work so we could toodle up to Seattle to fulfill his greatest birthday wish: to get Hiram’s exhaust riser inspected and buy Hiram a new flexible coupling.

Not pretty, but damned useful.

New readers won’t know that Hiram is our red Beta Marine engine, the heartbeat of Galapagos when she isn’t sailing or sitting at the dock. We love Hiram and take good care of him. The story of Hiram’s exhaust riser is long and filled with ‘events’, a word which, used here, means failures of the cracking and leaking nature during critical passages. Hiram’s exhaust riser has seen action in such far-flung locations as Astoria, Oregon and Bellingham, Washington. Fortunately for us, that’s as exotic as it got. The story begins here, if you have some time, but the short version is that when we bought this boat, we needed to have a new, much taller,  exhaust riser created to keep water from back flowing into our beloved Hiram. This back-flowing water would cause Michael to lose all the blood in his face and come close to passing out from sheer traumatic stress, and also all kinds of other engine-related hoopla.

Hiram, sans exhaust elbow. Don’t worry, there is plenty of clearance for those wire covers you are seeing in the photo.

Part of what eventually solved our troubles with vibration and cracking of metals  was a cheap stainless exhaust flex connector we got at O’Reilly Auto Parts. That’s right. It was cheap. It was probably Chinese stainless. It was most definitely NOT made for marine use. And it worked brilliantly since 2014: all the way to Mexico, Hawaii, and then home. We carried an extra on board; in fact we could have replaced the entire exhaust with pieces we have on board. But only now are we finally getting to that project because it has held up well. The secret shame of marine exhaust systems: cheap auto parts. But the O’Reilly has recently developed a tiny leak, so we know that underneath all the protective tape, it’s probably rotten to the core.

Sooty exhaust riser in hand, we trundled up to Seattle on a field trip to visit Broomfield’s Marine Exhaust. We like to drive to Seattle together because it means we can use the HOV lanes and we might get lucky and be able to get there and back without being stuck in wall to wall traffic on I-5. We like Seattle, but we hate driving up there, so we go together to be sure our suffering is mutual.

Anyway, we should have known we were on the wrong timeline when, enroute,  I tried to call the phone number listed for Broomfield’s, just to be sure they were open during lunch,  and it was a number that was out of service. Hmmm. Then Michael’s Google Maps showed the location in a completely different place than my Google did. These indicators are sure signs that you are not in the correct universe for your plans to go smoothly. Having arrived at the wrong location we pulled into a parking lot to park; a lot that turned out to be reserved Monday-Friday for a business we had no interest visiting.  Sighing deeply, I got out of the car and just walked the short distance to what I was sure at this point was the wrong place. At least the sun was shining.

Hiram is named after this man behind the counter in a 1930’s Chicago eatery. That’s Mike’s grandfather, Hiram, otherwise known as Red.

There I found two workmen behind a fence having what sounded like a good natured convo so I decided to throw myself on their mercy. An earthy-looking man with many tattoos but few teeth greeted me warmly. Did he know of a place called Broomfields? He did. And it had gone out of business. Ahhhh. That ‘splained the phone number and the weird address.  He used to be a welder for Broomfields and based on his apparently considerable experience he recommended Ballard Marine Fabricators, just up the road a couple of blocks.  We didn’t know any better, so we trusted the colorful toothless man and sashayed up the road a couple of blocks, exhaust elbow rattling in the back of our Mexico van, plastic dashboard Jesus swaying to the rhythm of the potholes. We were loving the vibe. Our van really blended in with the whole aesthetic down in the marine area of Ballard.

You know you are in the right place for marine exhaust when you see this sign in the window.

Yaaasss! See that accordion looking part? That’s what we’re looking for. Exactly.

A young man waited on us pretty quickly (I mean, they are alllll young these days) and he  immediately understood what we were after. Giving a critical eye to the business end of the riser where it attaches to the engine, he decided he would give us two bids: one to just have an entire new riser made, in case there is enough corrosion to warrant that, and one to replace our O’Reilly flexible coupling with a nice marine grade one like the one on the sign. He said that will last longer than 8 years and I believe him.


As we talked, I had seen him eyeing that black tape, pushing a fingernail underneath to try to peel back the heavy secret it contained. I didn’t think Michael had mentioned what was underneath the obscuring tape and I could stand it no longer. My internal pressure was building due to extreme fear of being judged unworthy,  and in a moment of explosive confession, I found myself telling him about the O’Reilly part, hidden discretely underneath the black protective tape he could not seem to remove easily. Would this man think we were going to be happy with O’Reilly quality? Would he think we should not be touching things like engines and exhaust systems? Would he think we were not worth his considerable experience and expertise and didn’t take our exhaust system seriously? Would he even feel sorry for Hiram?

Looking a little more closely at the business end of the elbow.

We received zero judgment for our use of a cheap auto part. Not even an eyeroll. Just a smile and low chuckle of forgiveness.  This welding man said he had seen much worse than our exhaust riser that, after all, had not failed us for several years, including three seasons in the Sea of Cortez and two ocean crossings.  He smiled and said he worked on a lot of fishing boats and fishermen will do anything to keep their boat running. I asked him if he’d met many sailors. I felt absolved.

We left Hiram’s exhaust elbow in what we believe will be capable hands (crossing all the fingers). I wished Michael a very happy birthday and we left the parking spot that had appeared directly in front of the shop, in their own parking lot. In Seattle.

Our next stop on today’s birthday field trip was Fisheries Supply and the Marine Sanitation store next door, where we wanted to look at marine lighting and marine heads. Recently we replaced our old Skipper II head with a sleek and wonderful fresh water flush electric Dometic Master Flush 8100 marine head. Woooo hoo that’s a mouthful. This new head is so beautiful and shiny and so easy to use that even our daughter, who has kind of a love hate relationship with the boat (she loves the boat but hates the toilets) said she could see herself spending more time aboard now. High praise, indeed.


Aside from the electric part and the internal macerator part (yes, we do flush toilet paper, thank you very much), what I like about this toilet is that it’s a fresh water flush. We learned salt water is just too corrosive and also leaves too much calcification behind. This means higher amounts of maintenance for our old Skipper II, which is the unit we have in the forward head.  It’s getting long in the tooth, as are we all, and we were hoping to replace it with a manual fresh water flush unit. We are kind of into replacing parts lately: body parts, boat parts, it’s all the same to us. We think it’s important to keep one manual toilet just in case the fancy new one gives us trouble far away from the dock.

It’s not nearly as pretty as the new one. But it works.

So we looked, but we didn’t buy. (We do that a lot at Fisheries $upply.) Putting a different style toilet in that space is going to be harder than it looks, which means more of a project than we want to take on right now. The fresh water flush manual toilets are all pretty low profile, which means we would either have to build a platform for one to sit on or begin referring to the forward head as the ‘squatty potty’. Honestly, at this point we will just love the one we’re with and not pump sea water into it. We will fill it with fresh water from the sink and then flush away. Unfortunately we cannot plumb it for fresh water because it’s not intended to be used that way.

It was a good day, ending with our first cockpit gathering since we landed in Olympia two years ago, almost. I got the cockpit ready for partying and all the kids and their significant others came over to celebrate both Michael’s birthday and the joy we have in stepping back into our boat lives. It feels like it’s been about 5 years, but it has not even been two yet since we docked here in Swantown Marina. We are glad to be back to doing boat projects, glad to be getting the old girl spiffed up for the next trip.

Two years ago we celebrated Michael’s birthday on Kauai. I’d say that birthday was maybe the best one he ever had, even if he is thrilled at the prospects of Hiram’s new exhaust elbow. We took the dinghy around the corner of Hanalei Bay and anchored it in a tiny rocky cove. We saw our first ever Monk Seal as we donned snorkeling gear. He slid into the water without even giving us the time of day. Once we had faces in the water, we discovered we were surrounded by sea turtles. There were maybe 30 of them just hanging around, grazing and doing turtle things. Unlike Mexico where the turtles are shy and fearful of people, Hawaii’s turtles don’t seem to care that they share the ocean with us. They just go about their business.  It was a delightful day and one that stands out as a talisman for things to come.

Just a tiny alcove, just big enough to anchor our dinghy safely.

S/V Galapagos. Standing by.


Boat Review: 1993 Catalina Morgan 381, S/V Squirrel

This week Mike and I are guilty. We are the worst kind of boat owners; disloyal, furtive, secretive. We’ve spoken in low voices to one another, whispering so that Galapagos would not hear us. That’s right. We are that bad. We looked at another boat.

S/V Squirrel

S/V Squirrel

Don’t get your knickers in a twist; don’t get your hopes up. We aren’t selling our beloved S/V Galapagos. (AS IF WE WOULD! I MEAN, COME ON!) But we still love looking at boats, and you’d be surprised at how much traction our boat reviews get after all these years (wow, was I NEW when I wrote those). So when S/V Squirrel, a lovely Catalina Morgan center cockpit, went up for sale by owner this week, I had to see her and do a review for the blog. Only about 100 of these boats were built, so I felt lucky there was one right here on our dock in Olympia.

Stepping aboard S/V Squirrel, my first impression was one of pleasant surprise.  Considering she is a center cockpit, and only 38 feet long, I did not expect to have room to put my foot next to the cockpit combing, much less have walkable side decks. On a lot of modern boats, it feels as though more thought is given to the living space below than to the working space on deck. I was chuffed with the easy to manage cockpit entry and easy (safe) access to the foredeck,  as well as the roomy aft deck with a great sugar scoop. Visions of access to the boat from the water, up the swim ladder,  wafted through my head, until I remembered this water is way too cold for me. Still, dinghy access would be dead easy from the stern.


Easy access side decks and a people-friendly cockpit.

So nice!

This boat sports an entire canvas cockpit enclosure, which is worth almost any amount of money in the cold and rainy Pacific Northwest. Such an enclosure seriously extends the sailing season if you care even a small bit about comfort. (This boat also has a Webasto heater for the interior, extending the sailing season even further.) In addition, lines are run to the cockpit for adjusting sails, minimizing the need to go up on deck. The cockpit, while snug, is big enough to sit 6 people easily, and more than that if they like one another. This boat has cockpit cushions covered in Pfifertex; easy to clean and keep dry. They could have made the cockpit wider, but that would have compromised those lovely side decks and head space below. This is one boat design compromise that paid off in all ways.

Electronics are all at the helm and the traveler is within easy reach of the helmsman. We looked at this with a critical eye as plans for re-rigging Galapagos are never far from our minds lately.

Douse the main easily with this stack pack. In addition, raise the main with the Milwaukee Power Winch

Moving forward on the deck, I noted the number of large hatches which would offer light and airflow below. There’s a Stack Pack for easy dousing of the mainsail and a Schaeffer roller furler for the genoa. This boat looks like it has a pretty straight forward sail system layout. Even a fairly inexperienced sailor would be able to get her going with a few pointers.

In terms of layout, workable systems, and moving around the deck, I like this boat. The cockpit,  while a little narrow, is nap-ready and includes lazarette storage Galapagos only dreams of having. The compromises I can identify have been done well and the overall look of the boat has not suffered. It’s so easy for a center cockpit to have that ‘wedding cake’ appearance that creates windage and can look clunky.  This boat is easy to move around on and that aft deck is brilliant for a boat this size. The boat feels like it would be fun to sail. Let’s go below.

Descending the companionway steps,  I am am transported. The saloon is light and airy with over 6 feet of head room… this is a 38 foot vessel? Let’s just say this: for a boat this size, there is a lot here and most of it is done really well. This feels like a much bigger boat. I’m thinking of a number of boats I’ve been on where all the living space amenities feel as though they have been crammed together into a space too small for an easy fit, making a boat feel not so much cozy as cramped. Not so with this boat.

I wanted to start exploring in the saloon, but then I noticed the galley and got completely distracted.  It reminded me a bit of the galley on S/V Totem, a Stevens 47 owned by Behan and Jamie Gifford. They have the best boat galley I’ve seen. Like their boat, this galley runs along the port side of the boat, making a great workable space under most conditions. On board Galapagos, we’d have to give up our workshop to make that happen, so…nope. Still, this galley on S/V Squirrel is terrific. It sports a double stainless steel sink, double Isotherm fridge, and a two burner propane stove/oven. Unless you are feeding a large group, that’s plenty of cooktop space, in my experience. We have a 4 burner stove on Galapagos, and it’s generally overkill. Still, there is room on this boat for a larger unit if someone wanted to put one there.

A view from the aft cabin.

Food storage seems just adequate in the galley but I recognize that I tend to pack our boat as though the end of the world is upon us. (And maybe it is. Who’ll be prepared when the zombies come to take us to their leaders? Hmmm?) A design compromise that interferes with extensive galley storage is that the engine access is beneath the starboard side of the galley. The Westerbeke engine lives underneath the counter and panels are removed to access it for routine maintenance. This owner has provided both extra storage and extra seating by including a storage ottoman that slides under the saloon table. It’s a nifty solution that follows the rule most boaters live by: preference is given to items that have more than one use.

While we are on that subject of the engine being beneath the galley, engine access is one of the weak points of this boat. Realize that I say that from the position of a person who owns a much larger boat with an entire engine room with 360 degree engine access. We’ve been in the position of owning a smaller boat with really tight engine access and we can never go back to that, so let’s get real about how I measure access and put that in perspective. This is one of those areas of compromise in boat design that can be pretty important, especially if you do your own engine work. Routine maintenance should not be an issue on this engine in this space, but anything further than that might be more difficult. If the engine is in really good shape this is less of an issue. Michael reports that the water pump has good access, an important point.

This access panel is behind the companionway ladder. It’s pretty easy to get to.

Not content to trust my own judgement on this topic of engine access, I sought the opinion of local diesel engine maven Meredith Anderson. If you don’t know Meredith, then you probably don’t live in the Puget Sound area. She is a local expert on all things diesel engine and we are lucky enough to live on the same dock. She is one of the only mechanics we have met who would be allowed to touch Hiram, our Beta Marine 60. Only the best for Hiram. She’s done some routine work on S/V Squirrel’s engine and has this to say about the access;

“Engine access is there, but somewhat mediocre when it comes to serious repairs. Routine maintenance is easily accessed.”

That jives with my impressions and on my second look-see at this boat I was able to see the access with panels removed. Overall it’s better than what we had with our Cal34. We had a much older Westerbeke with thousands more hours on it than this one and we cruised the hell out of that boat. It’s true that Michael will always default to the position of a large, unhappy shrimp when reflecting on our time with that engine, but since this engine has better access than our beloved Cal (still miss you sometimes, Moonrise) and is much newer with around 1200 hours on her, well… you see where I’m going with that. 

These panels are actually really easy to take off.

Back in the saloon, well, it’s lovely; just a beautifully laid out cabin. It sports a classic oval-ish table which can be removed. With the table stowed in the dedicated space in the forward cabin (and very cleverly, I might add), that settee can be extended to create a ‘double’ berth. To starboard are two seats with a useful table between them; also with the ability to be transformed into a single berth. Multiple opening ports create visual space, increase airflow, and offer good natural light. There is a navigation desk that is adequate to the task, but are you really going to use it for that?

Personally, on a boat that is intended primarily for coastal cruising, I’m not sure why a navigation area is included, especially as all instruments are in the cockpit. Perhaps it’s just tradition; like it’s not really a sailboat if you don’t include a navigation table.  If I were cruising this boat, I’d be using that big oval table for charts so Mike and I could look at them together. We’re still old school about paper charts on board because they offer a big view of the area and they are great for overall cruise planning. But unless we are offshore and are tracking our position on paper (which we enjoy doing since it’s the only way you can tell you are actually going anywhere), we don’t use our own nav station on board Galapagos for actual navigation.

This table stows easily on special brackets in the forward cabin. The settee then can be pulled out to form a double. The ottoman offers seating and also storage. photo by owner.

Lower this table and add a cushion and you have an additional berth. These ‘chairs’ are very comfortable! photo by owner. Note the tidy electrical panel. Very easy to access.

In order to keep that uncluttered feeling, stowage along the hull above the settees has been minimized. This means that the saloon is visually the full width of the boat. On a coastal cruiser, this compromise is fine and it does make this boat feel like a bigger boat. Coastal cruisers are unlikely to be loaded down with year-round gear and supplies and that level of storage is unlikely to be needed. The current owner uses pretty baskets to store small personal items in the saloon. If I had to choose, I’d go for a more open looking saloon under those conditions.

Moving forward, we get to the classic V berth, which is decently sized for a 38 foot boat. Two average sized people could sleep up here if they liked each other well enough. And it has its own ensuite head, of which I am dead jealous. Do we have an ensuite head for our v berth? We do. We have a 1970’s head and it looks like it. I have mixed feelings about that. Probably I’m going to do something about it someday. Probably. 

The heads on S/V Squirrel are sleek and shiny, smooth fiberglass that is easy to wipe down, easy to keep clean. There is no teak trim that needs maintenance. The part of me that likes things to be visually uncluttered in a head really likes that. The part of me that doesn’t like to spend too much time cleaning really likes that. But the part of me that likes easy access to things like waterlines wonders how I would change out a faucet if I wanted to.

On our boat, it’s a simple matter to get to the hoses to the toilet and sink. Replacing those might not be easy, but it’s simple in theory and in access. This boat is a different animal. Probably it’s easy, but I just don’t understand how it works. Those shiny, smooth fiberglass panels had not been invented when our boat was built. The idea of being able to just spray down an entire room, wipe it dry, and call it good is so appealing that it would be worth finding out. Poor 1975 Galapagos. She does have a lot of nooks and crannies. I understand how she feels.

Even the aft head sports a way to get a quick shower.

If you’ve become convinced I am saving the best for last, you’re right. The crowning glory of this 38 foot boat is the aft cabin with its centerline queen bed. I bet the designers and sales people started drawing the interior of this boat with this cabin in mind and then did what they had to do to make it work.  I can only imagine the conversations around the old designer’s table at Catalina Morgan as they figured out what compromises would need to be made in order to create a space where two people could sleep side by side without crawling over one another. For so many couples, the crawling thing is just a deal breaker. And as one gets older and trips to the head in the wee hours become more the norm than the exception, sleeping together on a boat becomes just too difficult. The romance aboard a boat where one partner is squashed into a curved hull is, believe it, short lived. Hats off to Catalina Morgan for this aft cabin design.

Ta Da!

Obviously, this bed layout works best in quiet water. If you are in a rolly anchorage this bed is not going to work for two. Maybe not even for one. But a real strength on this boat is the number of other berths available, two of them being the settees in the saloon, which are in the center of the boat. So there are some choices here and choices are high on my list of ‘must haves’ in terms of sleeping arrangements on board. This boat is a coastal cruiser, and in the Pacific Northwest there are almost unlimited choices of quiet anchorages where this cabin would be absolutely a dream. I have it on good authority that a person will sleep like a small child in this bed.

One aspect of this cabin I would want to be sure to keep an eye on is that opening hatch at the head of the bed. Although I do love me an opening hatch of almost any kind, at that angle, I’d be concerned about leaks over time. According to the owner, it’s not an issue on this boat. And, in fact, it was a rainy day when I first viewed the boat and I didn’t see leaks anywhere. If you want to see leaks, walk on down the dock to Galapagos. We have a couple of leaks you can take a look at, in case you’re interested. Squirrel is a dry boat. Galapagos used to be dry. Then we sailed her long and hard. Now she needs work. Even though this is a 1993 boat, she feels much newer.

An entire hanging locker for each person. A whole locker!! Plus shelves with a great number of good sized baskets. On. EACH SIDE! (I’M LOOKING At YOU, GALAPAGOS.)

As though the centerline queen wasn’t enough of a calling card, this cabin also has a lot of storage on either side of the bed. In fact, if Galapagos will pardon my saying so, at 47 feet long, she has way less storage in the aft cabin than this 38 foot boat. Way. Less. It’s almost as though Ted Brewer didn’t think anyone sailing our boat would actually be wearing clothes. Perhaps it’s because the boats were built in sunny, warm Greece where clothing might be optional. But whatever the reason, it’s a very real shortcoming aboard our boat and that was brought into stark focus in this aft cabin on Squirrel. I’m fine with not having the centerline queen, because frankly we probably wouldn’t get to enjoy that most of the places we go. But all that storage just made me dead envious.

A lot of attention and space was given over to the ensuite head for the aft cabin.  There is a  separate shower area as well as the same sleek and easy to clean look as the forward head. This head can be accessed from the main cabin, walking through the shower area. We also have a walk-through shower on board, but this one is nicer. I can’t believe this, but I failed to get a photo of the aft head. I was too distracted by all the storage in the aft cabin, I think; still struggling with feelings of resentment toward Ted Brewer and his naked sailors in Greece.

When viewing this boat, it’s important to remember (for me) that this is a coastal cruiser. If I were looking for a boat to take sailing down to Mexico, across to Hawaii,  and beyond, I probably would not choose this boat for a number of reasons. However, if I wanted to explore the Salish Sea, or even go as far as Alaska? I would absolutely be interested. None of the drawbacks I noted would be deal breakers under the right conditions. And the living quality on board is stunning for a 38 foot boat. Honestly, I’m wondering why more of these were not built.

If you are in the market for a boat this size, I hope you already have your financial ducks in a row and your surveyors lined up (because you would not buy any boat without surveying everything, would you?). I would not be at all surprised if there is an offer on her by the time I hit ‘publish’ on this post.

This is also a great boat name. Imagine saying, “Squirrel Squirrel Squirrel” over the radio.