Homecoming Weekend

When do you reef? In this wind, you reef as you hoist the main.

So we’re back from Mexico, sort of. At least Mike is back, since he had to go to work the following day. I am still hunkered down, still technically on vacation, not being able to face the long, long list of things ‘to do’. I just cannot get back into the groove at all so far. The cell phone is still turned off, I’ve given email only a cursory glance. At least I got the yard mowed. When people complain about how much work it is to be on a boat, I really want them to just move in with me for a week so they can get a little perspective.

The only solution to this kind of ennui: sailing. Yesterday was a pretty much perfect sailing day for PNW waters. I started out the day in the garden, but soon realized I was going to waste a perfectly great Friday afternoon working outside when I could be meeting Mike down at the boat after work. Of course, on Friday afternoon, if I don’t leave the house by 2:30, It’s going to take me an hour to get to the boat due to simply incredible traffic. If you don’t live here, there’s no way to relate. So I packed up the crockpot dinner and a ton of bottled water and beer, put Skippy in the car, and called Mike on the way to the boat.

Me: “Hey, baby! We have strong, steady wind  and no rain.”

Him: “I’ll meet you at the boat in a couple of hours.”

Got to love a man who understands exactly what you’re saying without you having to say it. Around here, if you have steady wind and no rain, that’s all you can really afford to ask of the weather gods, and if you DON’T go out in the boat on a day such as that, you risk bad boat karma for being ungrateful. So we went. Here are some videos for your viewing pleasure.

This Island Packet 40 slowly crept up on us from behind. I didn’t begrudge them since this is such a beautiful boat, it’s bigger than us, and it has more sail power. Just a lovely vessel.

And, because this is a working port, there be tugboats!

6 thoughts on “Homecoming Weekend

  1. LOVE the sailing video! If only Lake Pontchartrain was that smooth with 20 knots. I can relate to Friday Traffic in the early afternoon. New Orleans is pretty bad.

    I’m still in awe that there are Orca’s in those waters..possibly watching you sail up above.
    Welcome back!!

  2. We were lucky to get such small chop; only because the tide and the wind were going the same direction. It was totally a great sail. Makes me concerned about selling Moonrise because she is so easy to take out for the day and I know that when we get a heavier boat, more appropriate for offshore sailing, it’s not going to be as much fun around here.
    Eerie thought about orcas watching. we hoped to see them, but since we’ve only ever seen them in the bay once in all these years, we’re not holding our breath. I never get tired of seeing them. It’s always such a thrill.

  3. Good videos… I love Moonrise… it just skims along.. I hate to see it go. Glad you had a good vacation.

  4. WOW! Were you making that many knots under canvas or engine? Must be sail since only sounds are water and wind. Watching those videos was like being on board myself. Thank you!

  5. Looks like you were really flying along, esp in that first vid. I am always amazed at how few boats are out on the Sound. When I lived in Calif, when it was a good sailing day, the Bay was filled with boats. I have never once in 11 years seen the Sound look anything like the way the Bay looks on a good sailing day. And there are ever so many more boats in the docks here! Just can’t figure that one out. Anyway, glad the two of you get out there every chance you get!

  6. Gwen, I am always amazed at how often we are all alone out there! It continues to amaze me.

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