Bahia de los Muertos

Light winds and a favorable current tamed the Cerralvo channel for us today. Still, a long day of motoring.

We broke a long dry spell when we caught a nice Spanish mackerel, presently residing in our bellies along with fresh tortillas and guacamole.

Lots of boats here at bahia de los muertos, ten, counting us. We see lots of cruisers heading north.

Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.

Staying Connected: All the Ways

Team Galapagos has finally reached escape velocity and has left La Paz. We always enjoy our time here; under normal conditions La Paz is a fun place to hang out with great walking, dining and provisioning. But these are far from normal times and so we now move on for some old fashioned social isolation.

As we slowly make our way out of Mexico, we have enabled our Iridium Go satellite hotspot. Even though the software is pretty awful, it has given us the ability to text and email with friends and family. And now we have yet another way to stay in touch with our adoring fans. This post was sent from the Sat Phone, giving us an opportunity to write from anywhere we may find ourselves. We hope you enjoy these short posts and will forgive any errors or typos; once we send out the post we have no way of seeing or correcting our mistakes until we are within cell range.

We have also enabled our new tracking page which you can find at the bottom of our blog.This gives our location and allows us to make a short comment with greater reliability than our old tracking app. Alternatively, you may bookmark this link:

Like all of you, we are looking forward to a day when we can make plans for more than a day in advance. Till then, stay healthy.

Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.