Isla Isabela

We have learned that the last two posts from the satellite hotspot were not readable, probably because I attempted to include a photo in the post. I’ll fix those when we get to within cell range. In the meantime here is an update.

We generally had a good passage from los Frailes to Isla Isabela, with a Northwest wind on the beam or just aft the whole way. About 35 miles from the island the winds died to the point that the headsail was slatting and popping most annoyingly and so we motored the rest of the way to Isla Isabela.

We are the only cruising boat here and so have the premiere anchoring spot with lots of chain out. On shore we can see a small camp nestled into the shrubby trees where researchers spend part of their time. I watched them moving along the shrubby edge of the island, clipboards in hand, presumably counting the nests and their inhabitants.

Shortly after dropping anchor we jumped in the water. Finally! The water is warm enough to snorkel comfortably with just a swimsuit. I think the water temp is about 78 degrees. Not exactly bathwater but I’ll take it.

Melissa and I snorkeled over to the monas and checked out the underwater scene there. We both noticed a healthy crop of moorish idols this year. Good for them! We also followed a large eagle ray flying below us.

Ryan swam to shore and took a short walk on the small sandy stretch nearby. Most of the shoreline here is rocky, with breaking waves, so landing in surf either by dinghy or swimming requires care.

We will spend one more night here at isabela and then should have wind enough to sail the 42 miles to mantanchen bay.

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