We are back in cruising mode and if you believe in signs and portents, this season is headed in the right direction. We are already firmly in fun mode. After our month hunkered down against the heat and humidity in San Carlos, our Wanderblobs finally arrived in Phoenix and we traveled across the border to grab them from the airport and spend a day shopping for supplies. That trip went off without any hitches! Their plane landed on time, our Air Bnb finds were great, and our new mainsail from Zoom Sails and Tides Marine Strong Track were waiting patiently for us at the Fed Ex pick up location. Car fully loaded with loved ones and supplies, we breezed over the border and hightailed it back to San Carlos. Two days later we were off the dock for the first time since June. Even Hurricane Lorena couldn’t harsh our buzz. She died off and passed over us with barely a whimper.
After two brief stops to allow Jill time to get her sea legs, we are sitting here in beautiful Bahía de los Perros on the south end of Isla Tiberon with our first full day of swimming and exploring under out belts. Tomorrow we will move on to the smaller islands. The weather has been fantastic ever since we left the mainland. We have humidity of only 58%, and air temperatures in the mid 80’s during the day. We even get a cool breeze at night so sleeping conditions are downright pleasant. We didn’t expect this level of luxury, especially with sea temps still in the high 80’s, and maybe it won’t last. But we’ll take it.
Here are a few photos from our last few days. (Bug photo alert!)

The view from the cockpit this morning. We came in after sundown, so we couldn’t tell how beautiful it was.