We’re in Hot Water!

When we first took over Galapagos, Melissa and I felt as if we had just bought the Queen Mary. Stepping up from our sweet Cal 34, Moonrise to big ‘ol Galapagos was intimidating and exciting all at once. To paraphrase Bernadette Peters in The Jerk, It isn’t just about the waterline, its all the stuff.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfug0oN1Jt8[/embedyt]

Of all the stuff that came with Galapagos, nothing could seem as luxurious as a hot water heater. Hot water from the tap? Just like home? What a time to be alive!

It wasn’t hard to slide into such decadence and when I began to re-plumb the whole boat with PEX tubing and new faucets, I knew that I wanted to update the old water heater and get it out of the engine room. So in January of 2017 after much perseverating, measuring and no doubt boring Melissa to tears with technical minutia, I bought an IsoTemp SPA 15 Marine water heater.

For the uninitiated, marine water heaters have an electric heating element, just like the units you have at home. But they also have a small heat exchanger that connects to the cooling system on the boat’s engine. That means you can have hot water just by running the engine for half an hour. The SPA 15 is tiny, only 4 gallons, but that is more than enough for Melissa and I to enjoy showers, wash dishes, and do all the usual domestic chores that can make living aboard a sailboat seem almost normal.

The main reason I chose this particular water heater was that it could fit, just, beneath the sole of the aft cabin. Getting the water heater off a shelf in the engine room not only freed up space for storage there, it placed a fairly heavy container down low, where heavy things should be on a boat.  This allowed me to secure it in place; confident that it would stay there in the event of rough weather or, heaven forfend, a rollover. It also simplifies the design and use of the the engine’s cooling system with the heat exchanger since no external header tank for coolant is required.



This area beneath the aft cabin sole made sense as the center of our water system. There was room to locate the water heater, water pump and a simple manifold for the hot and cold water. The PEX tubing and fittings have proven to be quite reliable and really easy to use and modify.

For almost two years we have enjoyed what would have been an unheard of luxury when we first started sailing. In fact we may have grown a little complacent about having hot water and I suspect that Galapagos, like most boats, can sense when her owners are taking her, and her stuff, for granted.

In hindsight I shouldn’t have been too surprised when one night, lying in my bunk, I heard the water pump come on for half a second. Three minutes later, the pump bumped on again. Checking the faucets on the boat yielded nothing. Finally, pulling up the sole in our aft cabin, I could see a small trickle of water. Just an innocent little trickle. It could be anything. A loose PEX fitting, probably. In two years of cruising with lots of bumpy weather, things are bound to jar loose. I would have this fixed in no time I thought.

Sadly, all the easy things were ruled out and I could now see that the water was coming from under the water heater. If I wanted to learn anything more or have any hope of fixing this leak I would have to remove the tank from my super snug location under the cabin sole. I began to question the wisdom of locating the water heater there and was dreading the process of disassembling the bracing and fittings.

But bitching and moaning wasn’t going to stop the leak. And if I didn’t stop the leak we would lose precious water and,  quelle horreur!, Melissa wouldn’t be able to have a hot shower. That was a future too smelly to contemplate for long. Onto my belly I slithered and an hour or so later, I had the tank out. It got a lot easier after I had reinstalled and removed the tank a few times as I tried and failed to understand where the water was actually coming from.

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The water tank removed and in the shop. In trying to locate the leak, I had thought something obvious might reveal itself without too much effort. I filled the tank with water and looked for air bubbles. No such luck.



This is the heating element and the associated controls that I removed while trying to locate the leak. The electric heater element is mounted through a plate that has a rubber gasket that acts as a seal on the tank. In conferring with the manufacturer, the gasket was mentioned as a point of failure and replacement gaskets are sold on the IsoTemp site.

After disassembling the tank’s electrics and eliminating the rubber gasket, a failure point suggested by the manufacturer, I had nothing left but the stainless steel tank itself. As you can see in the photos, the SPA tanks are encased in a hard plastic case with a foam insulation. Since I really had nothing to lose, I carefully cut the outer plastic casing and started cutting away the foam insulation so that I could see the steel tank.

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Here you can see that I am well and truly committed to finding this leak. By removing a hard plastic band from the middle of the tank, I could remove the bottom half of the cover. I then had to cut away the foam insulation that covered the steel tank. At the bottom, you can see the pin hole leak.

But even with the steel exposed and the tank full of water, I couldn’t find the leak. No, the tank had to be under pressure. Fortunately I was able to pressurize the tank without having to put it back under the sole by using some spare PEX tubing, fittings and a hose bib in the engine room. Voila! the leak finally revealed itself. I had suspected that the weld had somehow failed but as the photos show, the pinhole leak is actually a little above the weld. It is troubling that the tank failed after almost exactly two years and we are wondering if another leak will develop at some point in the future.



In researching how best to repair the tank, a few of options were presented. Some people have had good luck with JB Weld and if we were far away from services, we would have taken the epoxy repair approach. Melissa has never seen a problem that couldn’t be solved with epoxy and was ready to go that route.

But since we were only a short dinghy ride and walk from several welders, I thought it might be a more durable repair to just have the pinhole spot welded. Walking down the streets of La Paz, carrying my leaky, disassembled water heater, I knew that I had arrived as a cruiser. I also felt a bit like a local; no self respecting Mexican would throw away a perfectly good water heater just because it had a leak. Everything can be repaired and made useful again.

A short walk from Marina de la Paz I approached the men at Taller de Soladura el Chicote (Chicote’s Welding shop) and pointed to my little leak. One of the men took my tank and soon a few other guys were gathered round including a very old man that did not do or say much but seemed to have some position of authority in the business. Was he the elder Chicote? One of the guys did a bit of grinding, selected a welding rod and took my tank over to the welding station. The welding machine ran for all of five seconds and my pinhole leak was no more. Total cost: 150 pesos. About 7.50 USD. The shop seemed pretty busy but I think my job was so small they just took care of it while I waited. It took all of ten minutes and I was schlepping my tank back down to the dinghy.


The guys at Taller de Soladura el Chicote look over the tank. It was a quick, easy repair for them.

Once back on the boat, I filled the tank and put it under pressure again to see that the weld was holding. Huzzah! No leak.  I reassembled the plastic case as best I could and sprayed expanding foam inside to provide a bit of insulation and to give the bracing and mounting hardware something to work against. It was a glorious site seeing the tank installed and holding water pressure. Let’s hope we get many more hot showers out of this tank.

A phrase that seems to pop up in our conversations chez Galapagos is “In for a penny, in for a pound”. There were moments in this project that made me question how much further down the rabbit hole I really wanted to go. Many of our adventures keeping our boat in good repair seem to involve a decision to push on, despite the evidence that we are in over our heads. But one of the luxuries of this lifestyle is an abundance of time. Time to read, enjoy the beauty of the world around us and time to expend ridiculous efforts where normal people would have just pulled out a credit card and bought a new water heater.

Once again, Melissa and I have proven to be abnormal.  What’s the most ridiculous repair you’ve done on your boat?


Dirty Diesel Done Cheap

In early December we crossed the Sea of Cortez from San Carlos/Guaymas to Bahia Concepción. Finally, we were away from the boatyard and all the tasks that come with getting a boat ready to launch.

After some initial uncomfortable beam seas, Melissa and I enjoyed a fairly pleasant crossing with light winds. We had the headsail out and the engine running, making perhaps six knots. Evening was fast approaching and we knew that we would be anchoring at night. No one likes to anchor in the dark but we had anchored in Bahia Santo Domingo a few times before and we had our GPS tracks to follow and permit safe entry into the bay.

A few miles out from Punta Concepción The engine slowed to an idle and then just died. I furrowed my brow. Melissa looked at me, waiting for an explanation or at least some calm assurance that this was perfectly normal behavior.

“WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!” I shouted, pulling at my hair. I may have wet myself a little.

No, I did not do that.

Melissa and I swung into action taking the roles we have perfected over years of sadly similar mishaps. I furrow my brow, concoct an uninformed theory on what just happened and then go below to figure things out. Meanwhile, Melissa works out a strategy to keep the boat safe or keep us moving in the direction we wanted to go. That is how we have handled all previous crises. Just check out Badda-Bing-Badda-Boom or How I Spent My Summer Vacation for more examples.


Fuel Filter System

The fuel filter system I installed on Galapagos almost five years ago. The two filters and the fuel valve below them allows me to change filters quickly if one becomes clogged. An electric fuel pump, lower left, pulls fuel from the tank.

So, my ill informed theory on why the engine died was that the fuel filter was clogged with some algae that had blossomed in our fuel tank during the hot Mexican summer in the boat yard. Common wisdom has it that you should keep your diesel fuel tanks full when placing your boat in storage. This prevents water from condensing in the tanks as the hot, humid air cools in the evening. This moisture collects at the bottom of the tank and forms a warm and inviting location for a kind of algae that loves to munch on diesel fuel. Fuel systems that are heavily infected by “the bug” can quickly clog their filters, especially if that fuel is agitated by bouncy seas or heavy weather. I only had my tanks half full when we put Galapagos away back in June and I secretly worried that this might give me grief at some point.

Theory in hand, I went below and switched the primary filter from number two to number one. I looked at the bowls of both filters and did not see any water but I was troubled by a little sediment that had settled at the bottom of the bowls. Had we been infected by the dreaded bug?

I asked Melissa to try the engine and it started right up. Theory validated! I explained my concerns to Melissa. We would have to keep an eye on the filters but we could proceed to our anchorage safely.

Control Box

This little box allowed me to install a small relay to run the electric fuel pump when the ignition switch is turned on. I also installed a manual switch to run the pump in the engine room when I am replacing the filters. The switch in the lower center part of the box is for the Balmar Alternator.

After about ten minutes, my brow was slowly unfurrowing when the engine died a second time. My theory was starting to unravel; The second filter couldn’t be that clogged that quickly, could it? And something else was bothering me. Something was missing when I had been down in the engine room but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Some noise… a clicking sound.

With the boat quiet, I went below again. When I had installed the engine, I added an electric fuel pump to pull fuel up from the tanks. Diesel engines are fitted with small mechanical pumps but if the engine is too far above the fuel tank a small electric pump is used to provide additional pressure. This little pump runs whenever the ignition switch is turned on and its familiar little clicking noise was what I was missing.

In a few moments, I found the problem. A connector inside my little control box had worked its way loose. A minute after fixing this issue, we restarted the engine again and were on our way. As we lay at anchor later that evening, I reflected on the pleasure of knowing Galapagos so well that we can hear and feel when things are working well and when something is amiss. Having installed, replaced or at least touched every part of this boat, Melissa and I have a lot of confidence in our abilities to keep her running smoothly.

But visions of algae kept clogging my brain. The fuel filters weren’t dirty yet, but maybe I should have a look in my tank. How old were those filters anyway? Four, five years?  They had about 500 hours of run time on them which meant they should be replaced. Pretty soon, I had worked my self into frenzy, certain that if we didn’t act soon, the engine could quit at any moment and maybe even be damaged because I was too lazy to check my fuel.


Melissa documents the process with her Iphone. Some people post pictures of their lunch, or cute cats. We post pictures of hydrocarbon eating algae.

And so once we were settled in La Paz, Melissa and I began to explore the wonders of our diesel fuel tank. Since, as usual, we didn’t know what the hell we were doing, we took an incremental approach. I used a small pump that attaches to our ever handy Ryobi cordless drill and pulled a sample of fuel from a hole located on our inspection port. Looking back, I think all this sampling and filtering was mostly an excuse to delay the inevitable. It certainly gave me time to accept my fate and think about how to pull 40 gallons of dirty diesel from the tanks with as little drama as possible.

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Pulled a small sample of fuel before we went too crazy; just to see if there was crud in the tank. Spoiler alert: there was crud in the tank.

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Michael examines the fuel sample in his laboratory.

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We used a coffee filter to filter out the debris. At this stage we were still in denial about how dirty the tank really was.

With proof in our jar that there was stuff floating around in the fuel, we began to think of how to clean this fuel. At this point, we did not have enough containers to suck the fuel out and store it elsewhere so we could have good look at the bottom and walls of the tank. So we just used our hand drill pump and Baja filter and drained the freshly filtered fuel back into the tank. We did this for a couple of hours and the stuff we saw captured by our filter would curl your injectors.

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If you don’t like the smell of diesel, stay out of the kitchen. The access plate to our tank is right in front of the galley sink. That means just about all other boat activities stop while we attend to the fuel. The metal cylinder is called a Baja filter and it contains three screens which provide progressively finer filtration.


What is this stuff

Very shortly after beginning to filter our fuel, we sucked up this thing. Sure looks like pond scum to me. The white piece looks like silicone sealant of some sort. After seeing this, we knew we had to empty and clean the tank.

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We were getting so much debris from from filtering the fuel that our Baja filters were clogging up quickly. Melissa had some No-See-Um netting that we used as the first filter. This netting is finer than mosquito netting and worked great.

After this initial effort of filtering fuel back into the tank, We were now solidly convinced that a more comprehensive cleaning would need to take place. That meant fuel storage and so our search for inexpensive fuel containers began. Just like the good ol’ U.S. of A, if you put the word “Marine” or “Boat” on a product in Mexico, it is magically much more valuable and therefore expensive. Fuel cans at the nearby chandleries were about 800 pesos (40 USD) each We needed six containers. You can guess that we took a pass on spending 240 dollars on this project, however nice these fuel cans might be.

Instead we went to the Home Depot in two trips and bought six 20 litre fuel cans for 71 pesos (3.50 USD) each. Now it is true that these cans are not as rugged as the nice containers at Lopez Marine. They are also not yellow and I really wanted yellow because everyone knows that yellow cans are for diesel. And we had to schlep These cans back on a collectivo while being warily eyed by concerned Mexican ladies. But at 71 pesos each, I am willing to flaunt social nicieties and use red instead of yellow. We sold half of these containers after this project.

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Our Collection of fuel cans used to hold the diesel we pulled from the tanks. The dark red cans we bought from Home Depot here in La Paz for this purpose. With all of our cans and buckets, we had 40 gallons of storage available. After the tank was as clean as we could make it, We used our Baja filter and a fuel siphon to pour the fuel back into the tank. In this way, the fuel got filtered twice.

As we filled container after container with diesel, we could begin to see the bottom of the tank. I used a scotch bright pad to scrub the bottom and sides while there was still some fuel in the tank to loosen any reachable grunge and then pump it out. While we were getting some solids during the whole process, we never saw the horrifying clumps of goo like we did at the beginning of this project. I should also add that I had added Star Tron Tank cleaner to the fuel and let it slosh around in there for a day or so to help loosen the crud from the the tank walls. I have been using the Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatemnet on Galapagos since we bought her.

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Michael trying to look for bits of grunge to wipe up. We were both stiff from being crouched over this hole for hours.

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After emptying most of the fuel from the tank, we could finally see this little sump area where the dip tube stands. This part was very difficult access and we were disappointed that we couldn’t clean it as well as other parts of the tank.

Using a length of Pex tubing left over from re-plumbing the boat, I was able to reach most of the tank’s corners where debris likes to collect and suck it up.

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Here you can see the baffle inside the tank and the blue tubing I used as part of our vacuuming system.

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The walls of the baffle look grungy but wiping with a rag did not yield much dirt. You can never achieve perfection with a project like this.

After pulling 40 gallons of fuel out of the tank and cleaning it as best we could, we were ready to put the fuel back in the tank. Using our Baja filter again, we siphoned the fuel from our fuel cans back into the tank. We also used those same containers to buy more fuel from a nearby Pemex station and ferry it to the boat. Right now we have about 80 gallons of fuel aboard, enough to last us a few months. Being able to refuel the boat in this way gives us greater flexibiltiy and we can take our time and filter the fuel without feeling rushed at the fuel dock.

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This is our Baja Filter. The tall cylinder holds the three filters you see on the left. The filters provide progressively greater filtration in the order shown. In practice, that green filter on the far left gets almost all of the abuse and Melissa had to clean it with soapy water and a brush more than once.

Along with our fuel polishing project, I changed the Racor primary fuel filters, and engine’s secondary filter. At this point I think we are protecting our precious Beta Marine engine better than most boats. We have never had the engine shut down because of a clogged filter and, Lord willing, we never will.

Whale Shark Adventures

Our time in La Paz has not been in vain! We have seen the Whale Sharks and have gone snorkeling with them. Now I can die happy.

Mike and I are, as a rule, not much for taking tours, but we learned last year on our Rainforest Adventure that sometimes it’s really the best way to see what you want to see. Last season up in Baja Concepcion, I kept hoping we would see a whale shark, but we never did and I was really disappointed.  I wanted whale sharks and I meant to have them. La Paz is famous for its whale sharks, who come to the plankton rich waters around La Paz as young fish. They come here to grow into their status as the biggest fish in the sea, grazing like large docile sea cows in the warm, shallow, murky waters off the sand spit called the ‘magote’. Put all of your preconceived notions about ‘sharks’ on hold because these sharks are completely harmless, unless you happen to get in the way of their elegant tail.

The water is murky in the sea this time of year, but somehow that makes the experience kind of spooky and surreal.

If you walk along the malecón in the heart of La Paz during whale shark season, you’ll be faced with many guys hawking panga tours to go see them. We were having trouble deciding which tour outfit to go with and didn’t want to just throw caution to the wind and choose one. How could we choose? I’m going to give you the inside scoop on what you can expect if you go on a whale shark tour around here. That way when you come and want to swim with them, you can get a quality experience.

Our first move in hunting down the right tour provider was to get on the radio on the cruiser’s net in the morning and ask for a recommendation. We got two recommendations from a guy who has lived here for many years and apparently had personal knowledge of both groups. We chose Baja Expeditions, an outfit whose office is a few blocks from Marina de La Paz. It turned out to be an excellent choice.

Mike got this photo of the head. Eerie.

First a few facts about how they do this whale shark tour thing here. The sharks are protected by the Mexican government. There had been too many boats going too fast, too many tour groups all at once and the sharks had been getting wounded by propellers and, in general, harassed. Poor sharks. No bueno at all. So now the area where the sharks hang out it is very protected. They don’t even let private boats in that area.

Unlike what we have experienced in other ‘protected areas in Mexico, they mean business about protecting these animals. Only 14 pangas of tourists are allowed in the protected zone at any one time, and the boats are tracked with a GPS attached to the boat. Not only that but there is actually a human being literally keeping track on a computer of which boats go where. In addition, while we were out there we were stopped by a boat of Water Guardians whose job it was to see that all the boats there were legitimately registered to do tours, everyone was wearing life jackets, and everyone was following the rules. So many rules are loosely enforced in Mexico that it took us by surprise to see this level of enforcement.

The first shark our guide spotted, a small one at about 3 meters, was outside the marked zone of protection. Our boat stopped and we got in the water to view the shark. A few minutes later the guide was on the radio explaining to the person on the other end that yes, his boat was outside the boundary; he was well aware of where his boat was. Apparently the shark had not read the rules. All was well since there is no rule about looking at sharks who swim outside of the large protected area, but, wow.

Along with the “14 pangas” rule, there is the “five people rule”. This rule states that only 5 people from any boat are allowed to be in the water viewing any one shark, and only one panga is allowed to be near any one shark at a time. This is a very important piece of knowlege for the would-be shark snorkler. Hold that one in your memory banks.

It was kind of great to be in the water again.

When we made our reservations we found out that this week was the beginning of the ‘off’ season for shark viewing tourism. This means that where last week the pangas took two hour shifts and tour guides could make reservations for a specific time slot in advance, this week they began the three hour shifts and the reservation process for tour guides was a bit looser. This was good for us in the end because we got three hours on the water with the sharks rather than two. The unfortunate part (which was really OK if you don’t mind sitting in a panga with cool people having a nice chat) was that while the dispatcher took reservations last week, this week it was a bit more of a roll of the dice which pangas would get out there when. I’m not exactly sure how this works on the back end, but here’s what we experienced as customers.

This is wildlife and this is Mexico, so as per usual, being flexible and just rolling with things without getting your knickers in a twist is paramount. We arrived at our scheduled time of 10:00AM at the Baja Expeditions office. They were hoping we could get scheduled for an 11:00 shift to view the sharks. As it turns out, we were on a waiting list and we were number 5. I couldn’t figure out why the staff seemed so over apologetic about not being able to give us a firm time when we’d be able to see the sharks. Although I’m reading between the lines here, it sounds like people complain when they have to wait and this staff bent over backwards making sure we understood how things worked and wouldn’t be disappointed. While I totally appreciated their communicating to us how it worked, I was sorry they felt so badly about it and it made me wonder if people had been less than gracious in the past.

Since everything is tightly controlled, when your boat is called you have to be ready to move immediately into the shark area. So we took the panga out to the end of the sand bar close to the entrance to the La Paz channel, nudged its nose up onto the sand, cut the engine, and waited. We waited for 2 hours before our turn came. Other pangas, full of tourists (key word: full), came and went. Our little group still waited.

Pangas move fast! Note the guy in our wake getting a little free ride.

When we were finally called we zipped out into the bay and made haste to the area where the sharks hang out cruising for plankton. Once inside that boundary, the pangas are allowed to go only 14 knots, which is hilarious because that feels so fast to us! This slow speed allows panga drivers to avoid hitting the sharks, who glide around just under the surface of the water. The guide and the driver start looking for sharks which they identify either through their big dark forms in the water, or their huge fins showing above the water.

The routine when a shark is spotted is to see which direction it is swimming, then stop the panga well ahead of the animal. You need to be ready to move off the boat the second the boat is stopped. Make haste getting over the side. Everyone slips into the water (careful not to splash too much because they are fish and might dive down and away from you). What I learned is to stick close to the guide. He knows what to do to see the shark to best advantage. Watch what your guide does and do that thing. They put you right in the path of the animal, who doesn’t care at all that you exist. Actually I’m not entirely sure they even see us. Their eyes are small and on the side of their heads. So basically just look straight ahead under the water until the shark appears.[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY_i3J1gtFk[/embedyt]

Mike and I both made the mistake the first couple of times of thinking that the dark shadow on what turned out to be the sea floor was  actually the fish, then being startled when it appeared right in front of us. There is nothing like coming face to face with a huge gaping maw coming right in your direction, even if you know you are not plankton. These are the biggest fish in the world, and even though the ones in La Paz bay are juveniles, they are enormous. The biggest one we swam with was 25-30 feet long.

The third shark we swam with emerged from the murk so close to me that I could have touched it. (Note- you aren’t supposed to touch them) It swam under me, less than two feet away,  and I was worried its fin would snag me so I scrambled to get out of its way, because it’s huge and even if it’s not going to try to hurt me, those tails are big as they glide back and forth in the water. That was a moment of hilarity. I’m trying to swim away just a bit, also swim forward as fast as I can to keep up with the creature, and also take a film and also marvel at its beauty and the fact that I am actually here, right here in the water with this magnificent animal. There was a lot going on right then, let me tell you.

By the time I had scrambled out of range of the tail, the fish was passing me by and I had to fin for my life to catch up to it. These fish are fast. They look like they are swimming slowly, because for them, they are. But for us, it took every bit of fast finning to even keep up with the creature, much less catch it after it passed by. If you are lucky enough to be near the head, swim like a great white shark is after you to keep up with it. Otherwise you will soon be waving bye bye to its tail and honestly, you will want to swim next to it for as long as you possibly can.

Now, remember that piece about “only 5 people in the water at a time with any one shark”? Here’s where you want to be choosey about your tour group, maybe pay a little extra to keep it small, and where we got very, very lucky. Literally all of the other pangas out there had at least 10 people on them. Math is involved here so think carefully: only 5 people at a time in the water. Ten or more people in the panga. So that means all those people had to take turns getting in the water. You have a limited time on the bay and these are wild animals. They don’t read directions, they swim fast and they are too busy eating to care about your entertainment. If you have to divide up into groups then you have at most 1/2 of the opportunities to swim with a whale shark. If I had to sit in the panga and watch while another group got to swim with one of these magnificent animals,  and then when my turn came the animal was gone, would I be happy? I submit to you that I would not. Not even a little bit. I might even cry.

Baja Expeditions had a minimum of 4 paying customers at 65$ each for each tour. That price is very reasonable and actually cheaper than many places. Much cheaper than some. That includes your snorkel gear and wetsuit, if you need those things, and drinks and snacks on the ride home. (Think Coke, Topo Chico, fruit, cookies, and chips.)  It does not include tips and you’ll want to tip the driver and the guide.

Mike and I are only 2 people so we got on the radio and said we were looking for people to join us. We got one sailor who wanted to go and pretty much we were willing to just pay for the invisible 4th person if necessary. We got lucky and another couple signed up for our tour through the tour office, making a perfect party of 5. Exactly the right number for everyone to be able to go into the water at once. Winner![embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z379n-m_kbA[/embedyt]

A couple more things to think about: if you go in the off season and have to wait for a spot to open up, you might end up, like we did, hanging out in the panga for a few hours. Make the best of that. We thoroughly enjoyed the other people in our group. Bring snacks and drinks (although we had those on board the panga on our tour). There probably will not be a bathroom. People are pretty good at looking the other way if you need to use the beach. Make darn sure that your panga has a boarding ladder for getting out of the water. Had ours not had a ladder, I would have still been out there swimming for home. Oh, and our guide said no sunscreen was allowed. They are probably trying to protect the ecosystem from the damaging effects of the chemicals in a lot of sunscreen. Good for them! We had a nice bimini over the top of our panga, so no sunscreen required.

With these tips you are sure to have an unforgettable experience. I know we did.