A Cunning Little Christmas

We got an early Christmas present as we left Puerto Escondido on the winter solstice, December 21st. The solstice is one of our favorite days especially when we are in the Pacific Northwest. The days can only get longer from here on out. But because we left just before sunrise, we got to witness a beautiful sight during this Mexican solstice. Not only was Venus huge and gorgeous in the pre dawn sky, Jupiter and Mercury were in conjunction. That means they were at their closest point to one another from our earth bound perspective.

MercuryVenusJupiter 12-20-2018 18-12-55

Venus, top right, has been spectacular the last few mornings, In real life she looks like a small moon. Stately Jupiter is the brighter of the two planets just above the mountains of Isla Danzante. And little Mercury is just to Jupiter’s left

Christmas is a little bittersweet aboard Galapagos this year. We are far away from the people we love. Our kids aren’t even on the same continents; Claire and Daniel are in Ecuador. Andrew and Jill are in Paris. The Boyte-Whites are scattered across the globe; a small, brave, curious little tribe separated by great distances but bound close to one another by an even greater love.

Our larger family; Melissa’s mother and sisters in Washington and my own mother and sisters in Tennessee anchor us to Christmases past. In ways large and small, they made us who we are. They gave us the confidence to take chances, risk failure and know that we are loved regardless of the outcome. When I watch Melissa on the beach, picking up rocks and pocketing shells, I can see the young girl that both exasperated and made her parents smile. I suspect a similarly inclined young boy, haunting the sloughs and ponds of West Tennessee still lurks in an older, grayer me.


Melissa found a perfect little dried starfish on the beach at Mangle Solo.

It makes me smile to know that in whatever time zone you may find us, we will celebrate the day with traditions that we created when we were all together. French donuts and mimosas will surely be on hand.


Mimosas and French Breakfast Donuts in the morning have been a Christmas staple for years. Andrew and Jill will be making those in their little Paris apartment this year.



Claire and Andrew came up with the idea of a Christmas cave some years back.



And some years we would have a good old fashioned fake tree. Skippy approves.


Aboard Galapagos traditions like a Christmas tree require local modifications.


We found some dried out cholla cactus and Melissa got crafty all over it. These are all ornaments brought from home.

Andrew and Jill, aka The WanderBlobs, bought the Charlie Browniest Christmas tree Paris had to offer.


So, wherever in the world you find yourself this Christmas and however far flung your family may be, Galapagos and her crew hope it is filled with much happiness.