Ten Days in Pictures

Sometimes I want to post things to the blog but there is literally so much happening it’s hard to titrate it down to an acceptable dose of words. Then there is the persnickity WordPress that has been giving me fits. Mike finally had time to address the computer issue, so here is 10 days +/- in photos.

Last week we got help from fellow cruisers Stephanie and David Gardiner of S/V Cambria. Here is Stephanie towing us to the dock with the ripped headsail in their bigger, better dinghy. Thanks, Cambrians!

While in Port Ludlow we saw this fabulous miniature cruiser, a vintage 1960’s Mirror Offshore, imported from England. It’s called Bluebird and the owners bring it up from Santa Cruz, California in the summer to spend the season up here. It’s absolutely darling.

We stayed at Port Ludlow a couple of days, then sailed on to Port Townsend. At Port Townsend Mike was so pleased to receive a package addressed to him at ‘general delivery’.  Why does this make him so happy? I have no idea. But it does. He’s received two packages this way. Technically this is my package since my new offshore Spinlock PFD is inside.

Port Townsend was too windy to anchor pleasantly so we sailed across to Mystery Bay, so named because it’s a mystery how you get inside without running aground. The answer is: pay extra close attention to the charts and the markers. The channel is well marked. Believe the channel markers and your charts. Otherwise, if you have a deep draft boat, you’ll be on the sand.

We got an opportunity to use the removable inner forestay and a little storm sail we’ve kept for years. This little sail alone gave us 2 knots and steerage.

Mystery Bay is home to the Nordland General Store and this shellfish company. You can take a very long, hot walk along the one road.

There are many seals inside the bay and it’s nursery time. This baby was left in the tender care of Galapagos’ hull while momma seal went off to hunt. We heard him crying through the hull. It was strangely disturbing. He still had his little umbilical cord. Eventually mom came back, much to our relief. He kept nosing the rope snubber, then turning upside down and mouthing the hull like he was rooting for milk. As motherly as Galapagos is, she had nothing to offer the little guy and his cries were more than a bit heartbreaking.

We anchored very close to this piece of driftwood, which I think looks like a seal with ears sunning with its tail in the air. Possibly you might see something different.

Ft. Flagler State Park is a lovely place to walk along the beach. We anchored just outside the park boundary, behind the mooring balls. There is plenty of room for a boat or two before the shallow water catches your stern. Be advised there is always heavy current there, and it seems to always flow into the bay. You will get lots of grass and weed hanging onto your anchor chain and possibly your rudder. Check your prop before you turn on the engine. Also, if you are lucky, you’ll get to babysit a tiny seal.

On my beach walk I came upon this sad sight. Another day has gone by and this boat is still there.

I got a new camera and somehow I must have put it on a strange and wonderful setting. When I loaded the photos, this appeared. Can you find Galapagos? 

And this one, too. see her at anchor in Port Townsend?

Today we retrieved our sail and will update with a post about that later. We’re ready to head across the Strait of Juan de Fuca tomorrow! The islands are calling us. Also whales!