We Live Here Now

So, how’s it going aboard Galapagos now that we have lived aboard for 9 days? Yes, 9 full days and it seems like so much more. Does time slow down on a boat? Because at the house the weeks fly by so fast we can’t see them with the naked eye. But on board, it feels like a bit of a time warp. Was Christmas just last week? Hmm. Let’s reflect on our first week aboard.

We had a long walk on sunny and bright Christmas Day this year.

The move went off with barely a whimper since we were pretty much physically prepared. We didn’t have much mess for long, things got stowed quickly and we are beginning to form new habits of living. I would say overall it’s been pretty smooth. I’ve only had two crying jags so far. That’s pretty good I think. We’re warm, dry, the water is hot, the beds are comfortable, and thank goodness we already know the boat. All of that goes a long way to making the transition easier. Frankly, I do not know how people just dump everything and move aboard in one fell swoop. I guess that’s just not my style. I sure miss our dog, Skippy. Today we are going home to do laundry and get some Skippy love. Weird.

We’ve gone on long walks, had an overnight trip to Port Townsend to stay in The Old Consulate Inn and pet all the Port Townsend dogs (there are a lot of dogs there), drove to Kingston to see all the fairy lights by the marina, and generally whiled away the time between holidays. Here’s the week, in photos.

Christmas Day window.

Tacoma’s Humpty Dumpty. Yeah, that blue sky was on Christmas Day.

Waiting for dad in Port Townsend.

Kingston lights.

Another cheerful window in Tacoma.

Foss Waterway